Events and Happenings Archives - PSK CPA


My previous blog gave the wrong website address for ECFA (the Evalgelical Council for Financial Accountability) – the correct address is  Sorry about that – unless you're interested in the Ethan Cohon Fine Arts Center in NYC!

ECFA and Commission on Financial Accountability

Just finished listening to a webcast of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) – – on the commission it's been asked to set up by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa).  For several years, Grassley's been pushing hard on some high-profile tele-evangelists on some big questions.  Now, he's asking the ECFA to be an independent group and offer suggested solutions to some key issues.  A couple of the areas to be examined:

1. Should churches be required to file an IRS form 990, like other nonprofits?

2. Should the ministerial housing allowance exclusion be modified/limited?

3. Should the prohibition against political campaign intervention by churches be repealed?

4. Sould there be tighter requirements related to "love offerings"?

I think the ECFA is very much on our side, so they'll protect the interests of churches in general.  Still, because it is a long-standing advocate of financial accountability by churches, the ECFA will probably advocate some tightening up in certain areas.

PSK is planning on being involved with the commission, at least in providing input.  Thoughts anyone?

NACBA – It’s On To Orlando!

The National Association of Church Business Administration hosts its annual conference next week in Orlando (July 19-23).  Always lots interesting conversation and insightful presentations at these annual gatherings!  I encourage you to attend Verne Hargrave's presentation on Church Fraud.  What he has to say will scare you to death, but also give you the tools to greatly reduce fruad risk.

NACBA website

Verne's website

Masters Degree in Church Management!

The University of Dallas just announced a new concentration in its Masters in Pastoral Ministry program – in Church Management!  Now, this isn't a Masters degree in Church Management itself, but a concentration in Church Management in the context of a Masters degree in religion/theology.

Another indication that church denominations are recognizing the need for quality training that combines business expertise with a passion for ministry.  And I think that's great!!  Just click on the following tabs – Academics; School of Ministry; and Our Graduate Programs

Pastor Coaching: A Remedy for Cloudy Vision

So you captured God's vision and executed your ministry plans, but now you feel like the chasing dog that caught the car! Lots of new believers, but now dealing with inadequate facilities…small group leaders a little crisp around the edges…budget constraints…

Is your vision getting cloudy?  We know a solution.

Through the leadership of Partners in Church Consulting, PSK (a proud member of the PCC Network) is excited to announce the unveiling of the PCC Coaching Network.  You can have access to Pastor Coaching from some of the nation's most innovative ministry leaders.

Check out the roster of coaches today:


Pastor Compensation

The Church Law Group (also known as Anthony & Middlebrook) and Church Executive Magazine are hosting a free webinar on "Compensation Issues for Church Pastors."  This is an important topic that we receive a lot of questions about so I thought I'd share this great resource.

Click here to register for the webinar.

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