Professional Services Organizations Accounting Services - PSK CPA

Professionals lead a fast paced life and face a demanding routine on a daily basis. Their focus is on their own specific work and they have little time for the accounting business side. We serve many different types of professionals including attorneys, engineers, architects and management consultants. We live by the motto of “what else” can we do for you.

Being a service provider as well, PSK understands this and can assist professional services organizations with accounting matters, operational issues, business structure and of course tax and profitability issues. We offer several areas of service that can help the professional services firm owner pay more attention to their discipline and let PSK assist with accounting and business matters.

PSK is structured to provide cost efficient services to solve many of these problems that will allow the professional to spend their time serving their clients. These services fall under the following areas and can be tailored to the specific needs of each client.

We can offer assistance with accounting issues on whatever schedule meets the client's needs. This can be on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis or any period desired. We can provide services from complete outsourcing of the accounting function down to just assisting your accounting staff on special accounting matters.

Payroll is a cumbersome task for any business and mistakes can be costly to correct. We offer complete payroll services through a payroll services provider that is state of the art internet-driven and includes timekeeping, payroll preparation and all related payroll tax reporting for all federal and state reporting requirements.

Professional service owners seldom focus on their operational or profitability issues. PSK has extensive experience in reviewing operations and helping our clients improve profitability. Professional service owners can focus on serving their clients and let PSK assist on the business operations side. All business owners have the need to conduct their businesses in the most tax efficient manner possible. PSK can assist you in this area.

Retirement and succession planning is another key area that is mostly ignored until the owners are at the end of their careers and it is often too late to maximize the values in their firms. PSK can give valuable insight to assist you in this area. We would love the opportunity to join your team and help you gain better control of your business.

What Can We Do For You?

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