Casey Campbell - PSK CPA

Casey Campbell, CPA

Managing Partner

Casey has been the firm's managing partner since July 1, 2012.

Casey provides tax plan consultation and oversees team projects in both the tax and accounting service departments. He works with clients to evaluate and strengthen their internal processes and strategizes tax plans that are tailored to each company’s specific type of business.

Before coming to PSK, Casey worked with KPMG for six years focusing on alternative investment, construction and manufacturing clients. His exposure to these types of clients has carried over in his service to PSK and the similar niche companies they serve.

Casey works directly with many business owners starting from the ground up—he enjoys feeling like an active member of their entrepreneurial teams. Thanks to his prior experience serving multiple industries, he’s pleased to again have the opportunity at PSK to work with clients from a variety of personal and professional backgrounds.

Practice Areas

Manufacturing, Nonprofit, Health Care, Business Tax, Personal Tax, Family-Owned Businesses, Investment Groups, Professional Services, Accounting & Payroll, Estate and Trust Work,Quickbooks® Consulting

Words to live by

”Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein

All-time favorite movie


Interests outside of work:

Golf, antique cars, and competing in triathlons.

What was your first job?

Mowing lawns.

What lesson from mom or dad do you still live by today?

Many times we feel stress and get overwhelmed not because we are overloaded with tasks, but because we are taking on too little of what really strengthens us.

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