Best Practices Engagements for Churches - PSK CPA

Much more than  numbers...

Many people have a preconceived notion of what CPA firms do: tax returns, accounting and bookkeeping, audits, financial statement preparation and payroll services. This is a fairly accurate response and in fact, those services are expected and are the "bread and butter" of our practice as well.

However, after more than twenty years of serving churches, we have learned that faith-based organizations want and need much more. As a result, in our role as church advisors, we offer much more than the expected. We call these services "Best Practices" engagements. Our clients can choose from several tracks depending on their needs. Each of these tracks answers basic questions churches frequently ask themselves.

Track 1 - Is our church living by the IRS and State tax rules?

This track assists the church in understanding how it stands in relation to these laws, and more importantly, what it needs to do to bring itself into compliance.

Track 2 - Are the church's administrative processes providing a proper level of integrity, accountability, stewardship and efficiency?

Churches that choose this track will receive a thorough review of their practices as they relate to efficiency, integrity and accountability. Through a combination of questionnaires, interviews and transaction testing we detect and report any weaknesses in the church's systems.

Track 3 - There sure seems to be a lot of church embezzlement in the news lately. How vulnerable is our church to becoming a victim?

Through the use of our online Fraud Awareness for Churches Test (FACT!) we lead churches through a process of self-discovery. After answering a wide variety of penetrating questions, fraud portals will be detected. After our analysis, the church will be provided with a step-by-step fraud protection plan.

Track 4 - What do our tithes and offerings really tell us about our past and future?

The fourth track provides a detailed analysis of a church's giving patterns. Rather than looking at total, church-wide giving, this service goes much deeper. By extracting data from a church's member database, PSK will have available a treasure trove of data to provide a much deeper understanding of where the church's money is coming from. Our analysis will not only include trend analysis but will also look at revenues on the basis of age, location (zip code), gender, marital status and length of membership, among others. After a careful study of the church revenue, the church will be able to detect opportunities to plan for the future.

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