Rhonda Self Testimonial - PSK CPA

“PSK treated us the same whether we were big or little”

They’re great, I really love them!

We started using PSK around 1998 or so. We’d worked with three or four other tax people before that, but we needed to go to a different level.

We were building an 11,000 square foot warehouse and office on five acres. We were finally turning a profit and learned we suddenly needed to make decisions about what to do with the money! Another reason for the change was that our bank demanded better, and better financial reports—especially as we expanded.

We were referred to PSK by our banker from Fort Worth National Bank and we were also pointed in their direction by a lot of different people in town including my sister-in-law and best friends in Mansfield, Jerry and Leslie, who, it turned out, had done business with Richard Koch since the firm was brand new. I figured if Jerry had used them all these years, they had to be good. It just seemed like everyone told us to go to PSK.

At first, I thought PSK was too big for us and would be too costly. But we recognized that, as we were growing, at some point, we’d need someone to guide us and make us more accountable.

We couldn’t afford not to use someone of their caliber. From our past experiences, we knew we wanted a firm that wouldn’t lead us to “gray” areas—if we owe taxes, we owe and we want to play it straight. We might pay a little more, but are assured. With PSK, there are no gray areas. I know they’ll be there with me if something happens. I feel confident that if we’re ever audited, they’d be right there with me.

At first, they helped us set up our leasing company and land purchases. Our original contact was with a soon to be retiring partner, but all their staff are so talented we were very comfortable working with any of the PSK managers.  They are all just great.  There was no breakdown in service when the partner left.  They just picked up our work and took over.  We talk to them every few weeks — they come out, bring our work, and look at our QuickBooks.  Kathy and everyone we have worked with have just been great.

The number of people at PSK works to our benefit. PSK treated us the same whether we were big or little. They are a class act group. Coming from a one-man show, now I’ve got everyone there working for me and it doesn’t cost me anymore.

They catered to us as a small business, too. They help us with employee benefits and bonuses—it’s benefited everyone since we’ve used them. They’ve also itemized what all of our trucks are worth and helped us with our personal taxes and investments, too. We had a labor department audit issue and Bryan completely handled it. We are so proud of him.

We have a high liability business and they look out for us as business owners. They helped us set up an S corp and a C corp for every entity we have (buildings, property) to protect us because our business is hazardous. They’ve helped with succession planning and sent us to good financial advisors and attorneys, too.

We’ve grown now and are in a better spot—we’ve doubled employees since we began using PSK.

PSK’s reputation was so good. They are loyal, moral, trustworthy, and professional. I don’t know all of the people, but I like the ones I do know. They are all A+, dedicated people. It shows a great firm when they’ve picked the cream of the crop to hire on.

PSK does a lot for the Arlington area too—they are good to the community.

They are a good firm, I’ll tell you that!

Rhonda Self
Industrial Cleaning

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