Rick Cadden Testimonial - PSK CPA

“By far the best resource I have found is PSK!”

It is extremely challenging today to keep up with the new rules and laws affecting church accounting and operations.  For the Business Administrator that means finding resources to help you in balancing all that you are faced with on a daily basis.  By far the best resource I have found is PSK!  They have partnered with me in my goal for instilling integrity and accountability in church finances wherever I serve.  I have used PSK since 1995 and utilized their plethora of services for the local church administrator.  They are a constant resource day in and day out helping me face the challenge of church finance.  But even that, they go way beyond the norm and offer solutions in areas I am faced with that most companies don’t bother with.  One of the best services they provide is audits and reviews.  What ever level you need they can customize it to fit your need and carry it out with expertise and wisdom.  I also have never before deealt with a company where each individual employee is so knowledgeable and fun to work with.  they all hold such a passion for ministry to local churches and in finding ways we can be better managers.  If you are looking for that constant resource to help you face financial and accounting challenges, you need to call PSK!  My favorite thing I love about PSK is that they always greet me with a smile and make it a joy to meet with them.  Whether by phone or in person they always greet me with excitement!  I personally recommend them to you!

Church Business Administrator
Columbus Avenue Baptist Church

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