Things I Learned from King Joash

(About Church Business)


It is extremely difficult but I try not to bring my work home with me. However, my thoughts often drift to finding ways to help churches while not in the workplace.  For example, occasionally during my personal Bible study time I will see examples of good, as well as bad, financial behavior exhibited in the pages of Scripture.  The story of King Joash in 2 Kings 12:1-16 and 2 Chronicles 24:1-24 is one example.  On one occasion, while reading these passages I saw ten principles or maybe I should call them “best practices” of church financial integrity. 


First, however, I wish to beg forgiveness before I begin.  I must inform you that I am an accountant, not a Bible scholar.  In what follows I am not attempting to interpret the Scriptures. I will leave that to much more qualified people. I am simply sharing some basic principles of church and pastoral financial accountability that came to mind as I read from God’s Word.


These thoughts were included in Practical Aspects of Pastoral Theology published by Tyndale Seminary Press.  You can find the book at or at



Verne Hargrave is the Church and Ministry partner at PSK LLP and author of the book, Weeds in the Garden.

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