Your Mission Trips and Homeland Security

Last week, we had a presentation here at PSK on this topic!  Homeland Security and the Patriot Act are musts when thinking about your church's Mission Trips.

Steve Tiemann was our speaker. He is an attorney who has lots of experience both as a lawyer and as a church member in this area.

Main points –

  • Know the guidelines.  The US Treasury has issued Anti-Terrorist Financing Guidelines.  Boring but an essential 16 page document to be aware of.
  • Know who you’re dealing with. In the foreign country, have intimate knowledge about the organizations and/or individuals you’re sending money to. You can check out the Terrorist Exclusion List (TEL) at the US Dept of State's website –
  • Know that the US Gov't is serious.  Federal law doesn’t allow you to use the excuse: I didn’t know!; If your church or organization inadvertently supports terrorists or terrorist organizations, you’re guilty!

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